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Travel Anxiety From Cars to Planes

2020 Jul 1st

Travel Anxiety From Cars to Planes

Posted by David Jones

Traveling from one part of the country or world to another can be as simple as riding in a car or train, hopping on a plane, or boarding a cruise ship. Unfortunately, for some people, traveling isn't that easy. For them, the idea of traveling is neither exciting or relaxing. That's because some individuals are overcome by travel anxiety. Travel anxiety is a condition in which a person experiences extreme anxiety or even panic attacks that are associated with traveling. People who suffer from travel anxiety usually have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders affect about 18 percent of adults in the United States. This type of anxiety is also typically associated with hodophobia, which is a fear of travel. Some people may experience symptoms at the mere idea of travel, while others may not experience any symptoms until they are faced with a specific form of travel. For example, a person may experience extreme anxiety or panic at the prospect of getting on a plane and flying; around 25 percent of adults suffer from anxiety when traveling by plane. Others may experience anxiety when getting on a train or boat. Some people may suffer from travel anxiety their entire life, while it may manifest unexpectedly at a later time for others.

Symptoms of travel anxiety not only include extreme anxiousness and panic attacks, but one may also experience dizziness, shaking, crying, excess sweating, and heart palpitations. Abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and shortness of breath also may occur. The severity and specific symptoms can vary according to the individual who experiences them. There are also a number of causes that may be associated with travel anxiety, including a fear of being away from the safety of one's home. Other causes include a fear of travel-related accidents or concern about the dangerous travel-related incidents often seen on the news or read about in newspapers. And some people may experience extreme anxiety over being in a new location with unfamiliar customs.

People with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, which includes panic disorder, may be treated with medication such as antidepressants or anxiolytics to help lower anxiety. Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy is also a possible form of treatment for individuals who suffer from anxiety disorders. In addition, people can take steps to make travel more tolerable. This includes traveling with a companion or acknowledging one's concerns by addressing them and writing them down. There are a number of techniques that people can use to reduce the feelings of anxiety and fear that they feel in relation to travel. The links below outline several tips and techniques that can help make one's next trip by car, train, or boat much more tolerable.

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Know the Facts

Relaxing Breathing Techniques

Muscle Relaxation

  • What is travel anxiety?
  • Travel anxiety is a condition where individuals experience extreme anxiety or panic attacks associated with traveling.
  • What are the common symptoms of travel anxiety?
  • Common symptoms include dizziness, shaking, crying, excess sweating, heart palpitations, abdominal discomfort, and shortness of breath.
  • What treatments are available for travel anxiety?
  • Treatments for travel anxiety may include medication like antidepressants, psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques.
  • Can travel anxiety affect anyone?
  • Yes, travel anxiety can affect anyone, but it is often associated with those who have a diagnosed anxiety disorder.
  • What are some techniques to manage travel anxiety?
  • Techniques to manage travel anxiety include traveling with a companion, using distraction methods, practicing breathing exercises, and addressing one's concerns about travel.
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